Sunday 19 May 2013




Really loved in the South-South part of Nigeria. Here is how you can whip up this great Niger Delta delicacy


INGREDIENTS                                                         QUANTITIES


Bush meat                                                                   8 medium pieces

Smoked fish                                                    2 medium size

Smoked prawns                                                          1 cup

Potash (ground)                                                          ½ teaspoon

Dry pepper (ground)                                       1 tablespoon

Palm oil                                                                       3 cooking spoons

Seasoning                                                        1 tablet

Water                                                                          2 cups

Native salt                                                                   to taste

Egidije                                                             2






Wash the fish and bush meat thoroughly and break the fish into pieces.

Place both in a pot, add salt and ½ cup of water then steam for about 5 minutes.

Add the remaining water, smoked prawns, pepper and Maggi Crayfish.


Add the potash and stir thoroughly.

Cook for about 10 minutes.

Add the native salt to taste.

Remove from heat and allow cooling for about 5-10 minutes.

Add the palm oil.

Stir to thicken then serve with starch, Eba or boiled   plantain.


1 comment:

  1. I love this soup. I know there r two kinds. One from Edo, one from Delta. I think I prefer the Delta one.
