Saturday 22 June 2013

10 Health benefits of Ginger

Ginger, a kind of herb has been used as a natural remedy for many ailments for centuries. Various health research studies have proved that ginger is highly effective for treating various health problems and shows great effect on the human body. Ginger works wonders for many problems from cancer to migraines. Ginger has a wide variety of properties like Anti-viral, Anti-fungal, Anti-nausea, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-septic, Anti-Bacterial that makes ginger a special herb. Besides this Ginger is power packed with various vitamins A,C,E,B-complex,potassium,silicon,sodium,magnesium,iron,zinc,calcium,beta-carotene.

Here we list Top 10 Health Benefits of Ginger.

1. Ovarian Cancer Treatment: According to the study of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center that Ginger powder induces cell death in all ovarian cancer cells to which it was applied. It will be a powerful weapon for treating ovarian cancer.

2. Colon Cancer Prevention : According to the research done at university of Minnesota that Ginger slows down the growth of colorectal cancer cells.

3. Control Diabetes: Ginger lowers the blood sugar levels. Drinking one glass of water mixed with one table spoon of ginger juice in the morning helps to regulate the sugar level.

4. Morning Sickness : A review of several studies has concluded that Ginger just works like vitamin B6 in the treatment of morning sickness.

5. Migraine Relief : Ginger has the ability to stop prostaglandins from causing pain and inflammation in blood vessels which helps us to get relief from Migraine. Make ginger paste by adding ginger powder in the water and apply on the forehead.

6.Prevents Cold and Flu : Ginger has been used as a natural treatment for cold and flu, It boosts the immune system of our body by inducing sweating. When you are suffering from cold and flu, you must consume ginger several times a day.

7.Menstrual Cramp Relief : Ginger is a natural pain killer which can be used to reduce menstrual pain. When you are suffering from menstrual cramps, you are advised to drink ginger tea with brown sugar.

8. Heartburn Relief : Ginger promotes healthy heart; It lowers cholesterol and helps blood from clotting. Ginger can be used as a natural heart burn remedy. Try to drink ginger tea several times in a day to get instant relief.

9. Reduces Pain and Inflammation : Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties and works as a powerful natural painkiller.

10. Settles Upset Stomach : Ginger calms down an upset stomach because of its carminative properties. It boosts the immune system of our body. Experts have recommended that eating ginger after a large meal helps to improve digestion.

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