Tuesday 5 March 2013

How Well Do You Know Your Beans???

Beans are a power house of nutrition. It amazes me when I see a lot of people buy cooked rice and opt for fried plantain (high in cholesterols) rather than beans. In this part of the world, it gets somewhat comical when you see a lady eating bread and beans. What people fail to consider is the nutritional values that come with what is popularly referred to as B2.

Be it in the form of bean pie (moi-moi) or bean fritters (Akara), beans should always be a part of our everyday meal as its nutritional values cannot be over-emphasized.

Here are a few of the reasons why beans, as a meal, should be taken seriously:

·         Studies have shown that women who ate beans at least twice a week had a 25 percent lower risk of breast cancer than women who ate them just once a month.

·         Copper, which is crucial for maintaining a glowing skin pigment and connecting tissues, is found in beans. Several enzymes in the body also need copper (found in beans) to function properly.

·         Studies have also shown that dietary protein and soluble fiber found in beans help prevent hypertension and improve control of it.

·         Folate is, of course, a must for any woman considering having children, as it helps prevent defects in developing neural tubes. One cup of beans provides a whopping 90 percent of the daily value (DV) of folate.

·         People who eat beans have a 22 percent lower risk of obesity and are more likely to have a smaller waist than people who don’t eat beans. Beans are high in soluble fibre, which slows digestion and makes you feel full longer. One cup (250 mL) of beans, for example, provides 60 percent of the daily value (DV)* for fibre.

·         Beans are also great sources to stabilize your blood sugar levels. The soluble fiber lowers down the movement of glucose sourced from food into the bloodstream. As a result, your body produces lesser insulin which is beneficial since higher levels instigate diabetes.


Well prepared beans can be taken with pap, bread, yam, garri, rice etc. University students in Nigeria would always attest to the fact that ABC, has literally saved lives on so many occasions especially on days prior to their exams. Did I hear someone ask for the meaning of ABC? It simply means Akara Bread and Coke.

Beans are one of the healthiest and cheapest foods you can find around. So why don’t you do yourself a favor today and give beans that prominent role it deserves on your daily dietary list?

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